Learning Assistant Program
In addition to a one hour a week seminar focusing on specific teaching strategies, students will assist the class Teaching Assistant (TA) in introductory Biology, Calculus, Chemistry or Physics courses, helping to facilitate group discussions. A great course for those hoping to teach at the high school or college level and those wanting undergraduate experience in teaching.

General Catalog: Taken as a 186 in Geology (GEL). Contact mast@ucdavis.edu for CRN.
Units: 1 plus one additional unit through collaborative department
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor required.
Grading: letter grade
GE credit: none
When Offered: Fall, Winter, Spring
Lecturer: Mary-Betty Stevenson
Class size: 1 section of about 30 students
Lecture/Discussion: 1 hour weekly
Internship: Approximately 3 hours per week. Introductory Math/Science courses at UC Davis.
Become a Learning Assistant at UC Davis
What is the UC Davis CalTeach/MAST Learning Assistant (LA) Program?
The Learning Assistant (LA) Program was initiated by the CalTeach/MAST program with the following goals in mind:
- enhance the learning experience of undergraduate students
- build a sense of community among STEM undergraduate students
- create a supportive learning environment particularly for those from underrepresented groups.
Undergraduate students will work as assistants to the class Teaching Assistant (TA) in Math (Calculus), Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Chemical Engineering.
Apply to the LA Program
Important Reminders
- Learning Assistants are undergraduates. They will not have primary responsibility for a small-group section, nor will they be responsible for grading assigned work, holding office hours, or any other designated TA duty.
- "Graduate Student Employment Handbook for Teaching Assistants and Associates In_"
- LAs assist the TA and instructor as part of their academic learning experience. They must always work under the supervision of a Teaching Assistant and/or instructor.
- The LA program is designed to be an active and productive experience in which the LAs interact directly with enrolled students by facilitating small group instruction and learning.
- LAs may be given the opportunity to lead whole-group discussions discussions if and only if the TA or instructor is present throughout and actively available for guidance.
Contact information
UC Davis CalTeach/MAST program
Learning Assistant Coordinator
1362 Earth and Physical Sciences Building
mast@ucdavis.edu | 530-754-1056